Own Our Oil

Own Our Oil: The Fight for Irish Economic Freedom is an anthology of essays that packs a punch. The team of multidisciplinary writers led by Eddie Hobbs describe how Ireland’s leaders have, over several decades, built a system that has been excessively generous to the oil and gas industry abroad. To remedy this, Hobbs and his team propose a new approach to regulate and tax this lucrative industry, so that Ireland can benefit from Irish resources.
Seeking to emulate the Norwegian model of resource management, the book shows how we, as Irish citizens, can become empowered and regain control of our natural resources, demand a fair share of the profits and wisely allocate our gains.
Own Our Oil: The Fight for Economic Freedom offers readers information on the latest developments in the international oil and gas arena and the potential economic upside of Ireland changing course and ‘getting it right’. This book is armed with a strong message,
When the herd stands together, the lion lies down hungry! Buy this book, sign it, pass it on!
The team includes a Geologist, an Environmental Consultant, an Accountant, a Quantitive Finance expert, a Historian, an Irish Oil Industry Expert, a Norwegian Petroleum Expert, Finance Market Research, Senior Counsels, with unique additional input from secondary level students in Ireland.
Debt Busters

Debt Busters is a DIY guide to steering your way out of everything from mild money tightness to brick wall stuff when it’s time to put up the hands, take control and renegotiate your loans including write offs or write downs. Combined with negative equity this is pretty new ground in Ireland and even the banks and other creditors are learning on the hoof. If you’re the type of person who finds it all too daunting or complicated, for heaven’s sake don’t hang about, get professional help fast.
See inside the book
Download a sample chapter from the book
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MABs, especially if you are heavily in arrears, is a vital option but may be getting flodded.
Click Here for Contact Information for MABS

You & Your Money is Ireland’s first consumer magazine about money & livingwhich will empower the consumer in making choices about money – whether they want to save it, make it or spend it.
If more than three out of five people don’t feel they can find balanced financial advice, and more than half feel they can’t track down the best deals in financial products – Irish people with some spare cash evidently need help! The idea for You & Your Money was to give simple, no-nonsense advice people can understand and trust
We all have a little, we’d all like to have a little more. And thanks to Fairy Godmother McCreevy, most of us have been saving for the past five years and we’re ready to take the money…and run. You could spend yours on a shiny new babe magnet with alloys, or in a far flung luxurious spa (with a tummy tuck on the side), or perhaps blow the lot on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday fro the family. But what are the other possibilities?
There are lots of smart, life-enhancing and profitable options that are worth considering before you let SSIA fever go to your head.
These include:
- Getting a mortgage or a second mortgage
- Investing in property abroad
- Playing the stock market
- Buying bonds
- Recruiting a good investment advisor
- Figuring out the best pension and retirement funds
It’s not everyday that you get to leave the bank with a bag of loot – you have to make the most of it. LOOT! offers no money back offers, no false promises, no hyperbole – just good advice, helpful tips and solid information. Above all it will help you make the best decisions for you.
Short Hands, Long Pockets

In Short Hands, Long Pockets, Eddie, in typical style, gets straight to the heart of the issue. He gives you the techniques and practical advice on how to control your spending, how to climb out of a debt hole and how to transform your personal finances.
Short Hands, Long Pockets comes with free financial software, The Wonga Wizard, designed by Eddie in conjunction with Irish software specialists, 3Q Solutions, to give you a tool for life. Alternatively, you can use Eddie’s pen and paper exercises. All author royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.