If You Instinctively Know Something is Wrong in the World… This Explosive New Book will Help You Grasp What is Really Happening & to Join the Dots from Covid to Climate to Queering Kids Classrooms.
It’s Time To Break The Silence on The Return of Totalitarianism. It will tell you…How they are doing it, Why they are doing it, and what is their Ultimate Goal for YOU and Your Family.
“Breaking Totalitarianism” by Eddie Hobbs, explains the psyops and propaganda, delving into how, why and who is orchestrating the return of Totalitarianism. Once read, the three promises of this book are:
- You will No Longer Unsee it.
- You will See the Totalitarian Impulse Rising Everywhere.
- And You will Know How to Send it Back to Hell. Using Prayer, Satire, Humour and Laughter….as you please.